Participation to the Joint Action "PAtient REgistries iNiTiative" (PARENT)
The project is a Joint Action
co-funded by the European Commission.
It started in May 2012 and finishes in October 2014 with the overall objective
to support EU Member States in developing comparable and interoperable patient
registries in clinical fields of identified importance
(e.g. chronic diseases, medical technology).
The aim is to rationalize the development and governance of interoperable
patient registries, thus enabling the use of secondary data for public health
and research purposes in cross-organizational and cross-border setting.
EUBIROD is involved in the Joint Action as a Member of the
"Associated Project Group".
In this role, the HIRS is formally part of the Joint Action, where is called
to represent the project in the project activities, providing comments to
the documents produced by the Consortium, and participating to the workshops
to contribute to the workplan.
Until now, representatives of EUBIROD have participated to
a total of four meetings held in Brussels at the
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU:
24th October 2011, 12nd June and December 6th 2012, May 29th 2013.
Participation to a joint EU call for a "EUropean Clearing House of Research on Non-communicable diseases" (EUCHRON)
The Hub has participated to as a EU Two-Stage Call under the topic:
"FP7-HEALTH.2013.4.1-6: Mapping chronic non-communicable diseases research activities".
The candidate project "EUropean Clearing House of Research on Non-communicable diseases" (EUCHRON),
coordinated by the IDF global headquarters in Brussels, involved high level NGOs e.g. the IDF, Belgium,
the World Heart Federation (WHF) and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), Switzerland,
as well as highly regarded scientific teams from
Serectrix snc (Italy) and the Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP), Belgium.
The Hub has been included in the proposal as a Management Centre through the Project Manager and Secretary.
The proposal, which successfully passed Stage 1 of the call, was finally
not selected for funding at Stage 2.
The coalition will remain active to consider new plans for the future realization of the project.
Copyright © HIRS, Perugia, Italy