The EUBIROD Network is an informal and voluntary collaboration between
signatory parties started in 2013 after the successful conclusion of the EUBIROD project.
The Network includes advocates
of the rights of people with diabetes, governmental/non governmental organizations, scientific
societies, associations of health professionals and individual citizens, who agree,
under the terms of signed Memorandum of Understanding, to jointly act for the common goal
of creating a global shared platform for the structured exchange and publication
of evidence-based diabetes information.
Together, the Parties agree to mutually promote the activities of the EUBIROD Network, as
The EUBIROD project (2008-2012), sponsored by the European Union under the Health Information
Strand of the Public Health Program (DG-SANCO), built upon the information system realized by the
BIRO project on the basis of the principle of privacy by design, to extend its use for cross-border flow
of diabetes information in nineteen European countries.
The system fosters the objectives of the
Conclusions of the EU Council for the systematic data collection and monitoring of diabetes
complications and health outcomes across Europe.
EUBIROD partners have been connected through a
system that safely collect aggregated data and produce systematic EU reports
of diabetes indicators, which can also be used to develop recommendations for policy makers.
The main output of the project
has been the production of the “European Diabetes Report”: an analysis of quality of care and
outcomes in diabetes based on standardized criteria over a reference population
of 200,000 subjects.
The project supported improved information at both the micro and the macro levels by facilitating
activities for planning and management of diabetes care in regional health systems and by delivering
information that is directly applicable at the Community level by European institutions.
The mission of the EUBIROD Network is to realize an international collaboration that
shall ensure the continuous production and dissemination of diabetes information for policy,
governance and health improvement.
The vision of the EUBIROD Network is to support and facilitate the integration of
all diabetes data sources already available, in order to improve all policies against diabetes
and to reduce its direct implications across the whole range of non communicable diseases.
In a time of financial pressure, an efficient use of the existing resources represents
the only practical and most ethical solution available to fulfill these goals.
Today, a global diabetes information system can be immediately implemented.
The international Network will be able to inform policy makers and assist people
with diabetes with timely information on the quality of care they receive
and health outcomes associated with their conditions.
To realize its vision, the EUBIROD Network shall adopt a strategy
consolidated across several years of successful collaboration in the BIRO and EUBIROD projects.
The Network shall foster the application and implementation of a comprehensive approach,
based on an agreed set of international standards, including a common data model and an
open source software for the safe exchange of aggregate information already operational:
the BIRO system.
The infrastructure includes a meta-registry of diabetes data sources,
a platform to assess privacy standards, statistical routines for the delivery of diabetes
indicators, tools for e-learning and regular dissemination activities.
The EUBIROD Network agrees to realize the EUBIROD platform through the following:
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